Serving Together: Ministry Teams
God calls all of us to continue His work by using our time and abilities to serve others and engage in ministry. All are gifted by God to contribute to His work, and we experience fullness as we selflessly serve. Bear Creek Ministry Teams provide a variety of ways to be involved in service together.

Worship Ministries
Help enable meaningful worship experiences with the gifts God has given you, through vocals, instruments, or on the sound team, running sound, PowerPoint, or the livestream for our Sunday morning worship service. Training will be provided. Contact Sherry at

Ushers & Welcome
Greet people as they arrive on Sundays, hand out bulletins, help connect folks to ministry leaders, and collect the offering. Contact Shane at
Hospitality & Member Care
Prepare and set out coffee and snacks for the fellowship and visiting following the service. The meal-train ministry serves as a tangible way for people to come alongside our church family in support and encouragement by providing a nourishing meal. Email to be connected with team leads.
Facilities & Benevolence
Be a part of the team that takes care of the church facility and grounds with general maintenance, yard care, painting, etc. This is a ministry of the deacons, who also oversee the benevolent ministries, providing financial and material support to members in need. Email to be connected with team leads.
Pray in response to prayer requests that come by email from the congregation or community via the prayer chain ministry. There is also an intercessory prayer gathering every-other Tuesday evening. Email to be connected with team leads.
Children's Ministry
Help care for our littlest people on Sunday mornings by rocking them, playing with them, & reading storybooks to them in the nursery. Serve & teach the preschoolers or early-elementary students by leading them through a Bible lesson and craft prepared for you. Contact Melissa at
Student Ministry
Befriend our teenagers and help them grow in their faith. Talk to Robby to learn about applying to serve on the Student Ministry Team or to help with special events or scholarships. Contact Robby at
Women's Ministry
Help provide leadership and planning for various ministries for women: monthly breakfasts, events, Bible studies, annual retreat, bridal & baby showers, etc. Contact:
Men's Ministry
Help provide leadership and planning for various ministries for men: monthly breakfasts, events, Bible studies, annual retreat, etc. Contact Mark at
Woodinville Storehouse
Help clients get grocery items through a multi-church run community food bank. Our church's team serves a 90-minute shift on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Email to be connected to ministry leads.
Operation Nightwatch
Prepare and serve a meal to homeless men and women in Seattle. Our church's team serves for about four hours on the third Thursday evening of each month. Email to be connected to ministry leads.
Operation Christmas Child
Gather together your family or group of friends to put together care packages and gift boxes for children all around the world. Boxes, information, & support is given in the fall to help you serve children in this way. Email to be connected with team leads.