Welcome to the Children's Department at BCCC! Children matter to us, because they matter to God. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." Matthew 19:14
At BCCC, we are excited to introduce children to Jesus and share His message of love with them.
Sunday Children’s Program
Here's what's happening for Children on Sunday mornings during the school year.
Please join us!
During the 10 am Worship Service
Mount Si Room: Ages 0-2 / Mount Baker Room: Ages 3-5
Our youngest people are welcome in the service with parents, but we also offer care for these little ones during the service. Infants and children up to 2-years meet in the Mt. Si Room, near the sanctuary. Preschoolers aged 3-5 are in the Mt. Baker Room just down the hall. Kids in both rooms will enjoy Bible lessons and activities.
Mount Adams Room: Grades K-2
Early Elementary kids join their parents in the sanctuary for the singing part of the worship service. Just prior to the sermon, kids are dismissed to their own age-appropriate classroom for a lesson and craft geared especially for them.
Upper Elementary children participate in the worship service with their parents. Ask an usher to show you where to find age-appropriate activity pages in the foyer on your way in.
Check the church calendar for special family events throughout the year as well!
If you have any questions regarding our services, classes, or events, please don't hesitate to contact us at the church. We are here to partner with you in raising children to know and love Jesus. You may contact our Children's Ministry Director, Melissa, directly at melissad@bccc.org.